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«  Сентябрь 2012  »


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Главная » 2012 » Сентябрь » 16 » Sherlock - Time Lapse Process Painting
Sherlock - Time Lapse Process Painting

Virtuoso by alicexz

^alicexz’s amazing art has recently been extended by the artist into a whole other dimension. Be sure to experience her marvelous live-stream time-lapse digital painting video, "Virtuoso.”

"Virtuoso" is a process video showing how her "Sherlock” portrait was created, step-by-step, on a Wacom Cintiq tablet. It’s an art+ music video that’s not only mesmerizing to watch, but one that can serve as an instructional resource for deviants and others. Watching the artist’s invisible hands brings to mind the Venetian painting from the Rennaissance, in which painters created compositions directly on the canvas, using layered patches of colored brushstrokes rather than line to define form. In this way they explored the relations of color, light and air on the substance of their subjects, replacing contour lines with transitions of light and shadow. They also used rich, saturated hues to imbue their paintings with a sort of luminosity. ^alicexz appears to have recaptured the spirit of the "Venitian Palette" and is now exploring new dimensions for the effect digitally, using only her tablet and her talent.
Категория: Artists Box: | Просмотров: 932 | Добавил: designreaction | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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